Thursday, April 30, 2020


 For this week's weekly art challenge was to create origami I made a rocket and a heart. I learned how to make a rocket that was difficult at times but it turned out ok. I really enjoyed making the heart because that was really easy. I am still wondering what other pieces of origami I can make?

My rocket

This is my slide about rockets and how they work. I had to make a paper rocket with a straw. I learned about the force it takes to force it to fly a rocket. I made it fly by using my breath to propulsion my rocket. I really enjoyed making the rockets and seeing which one flu better. I am still wondering what other types of rockets I could make.

Space Rubbish

This week I read a play about space rubbish and what they do with there rubbish. I learned how to use voki. It is when you can make a talking animation. I really enjoyed reading the play and answering all the questions. I am wondering what other things you can make with voki.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My Rocket

I had to make a poem about rockets. This was one of the tasks you could do for the topic this week about rockets and how they fly. I enjoyed finding the rocket picture and making the word art. I am still wondering about what words I could use as well. This is what I made.

To the moon and back

 My class topic this week is about rockets so we had to write a story about a man going to the moon and make up what happened. I really enjoyed making up what happened in the story and using descriptive words. I am still wondering what else I could improve my work. This is my story.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


 I decided to make a poppy sign. I really enjoyed painting the poppy and using different colors. I am still wondering what else I could have panted. These are the steps I did to make it.
First I drew what I was going to make.
Next, I drew the image on to a bigger piece of card.
 My Mum helped me cut it out

Finally, I painted the card and high lighted outside of it.
Then Dad helps to put it out the front of our driveway. 

Robo Cat

My class does a weekly art challenge this week we had to make a robot. I made a robot cat it is can walk around and meow like a cat its name is robocat. It was frustrating at times but by the end, it turns out to be really good. These are the materials I used: Wood, Mailbox, Gate hinges, Horseshoes, Funnel, Tap heads, Shower control, Small brush, Golf ball, Nails and tape I really enjoyed making my robot because of all the different pieces you had to put together. the most challenging thing about the art was trying to find the right pieces to hook together and finding all the right pieces. This is what I made.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

My Kite

My class had to do I science project about kites and lift. I learned about how kites fly and what the tail does to help the kite fly. I enjoyed making my kites and seeing which one works better but in the end, they both broke. I am still wondering if I had made it stronger will it fly or not. This is my slide show about kites.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My Manu Tukutuku Poem


I had to write a cinquain poem about Manu Tukutuku (Kite). I learned the steps to making a cinquain poem it was difficult to come up with ideas for different words. I enjoyed the different challenges of making a poem about kites. I am still wondering what other descriptive words I could have used.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nature Star

Miss Moat challenged us to create an art piece out of natural materials. I learned about Andy Goldsworthy he is a Scottish artist who only makes art out of natural materials so that they can decompose. I enjoyed making the piece of art because of all the different materials I had to use. I wonder what other pieces of materials I could have used.
This is my artwork called nature star.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Paper Plane

My class had to make paper airplanes and test the difference in each one using the catapult method. If the rubber band is small it puts more friction on the plane and the stick. I enjoyed making the paper airplane because of all the different types of planes and which one worked better. I found out the more tension on the rubber band proposition the paper plane.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Term 2 Goals Of The Week

This is my 2020 Term 2 goals of the week we do our goals of the week every week. It is so showing my learning and working on my goals each week to see if I improve. I enjoy do the goal of the week because of the satisfying feeling when you achieve that goal. I am still wondering how I can still challenge myself.