Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Term 1 2019 Maths Grid Results

Each week we do math gird to get better at our times tabbles. We also trying to get better at accracy in our answers. Here is my term 1 graph:

Friday, February 15, 2019

Rip currents

on thusday my class went to midway beach withthe life gards they told us about rip currtents
On thursday my class went to the beach.
Some life gards they show us how to spot the rip currents 

Thursday, February 14, 2019


In groups we then used a strength card to look at how we can choose to be certain ways.  What does it feel like to be the "un" version of this?  Why would we choose the "un" version?  What makes people be in the "un" frame of mind?

Here is an example of one group's learning about being caring and  un caring

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Hinaki story

In class we are getting ready for school camp and  made hinaki (eel trap).
This how you do it.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Goals for week two

This google slide is about my goals for term 1.
I aim to put new goals on each week. I also aim to complete 3 goals per week.
I will try very hard in term 1 to achieve my goals.