Thursday, June 20, 2019


At makaraka we have a cooking MasterChef competition it is to get kids into making food with vegetables it is so fun.
I did it by myself and this is a photo of what I made. I made 2 min noodles fritters with a salsa and a salad  my drink was lemon and mint it was the best of fun.

Mini role play

My class and I have been looking at how humans have a effect on nature like global warming and this is other of the example of how we have effect on on nature.

Did the film communicate the script?
yes I think it did.
Did it communicate the rising emotion being portrayed?
I think we could have made it more emotion
What could you shoot differently?
I think if we didn't shoot in the wind you will be able to hear better What would make your film more understandable?
if it was more emotion

What would give your film more emotional impact?

If we spoke louder then you could hear what they are saying

Image result for huia bird brooch
