Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hoe waka

This is my drawing of the hoe waka.
This is a article by steve gibbs is  about hoe waka  the hoe waka  paddles they use to get to new zealand.  My class has been look at voyage and how the maori came to new zealand and the tradition way of voyage .

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Term 2 maths

Each week we do math gird to get better at our times tabbles. We also trying to get better at accracy in our answers.
 Here is my term 2 graph:

Term 2 goals

This google slide is about my goals for term 2. I aim to put new goals on each week. I also aim to complete 3 goals per week. I will try very hard in term 2 to achieve my goals.

Shark Fin Soup

My class got animal   or a obet then we had to resach about it. I had an animal  it was a shark my patner had fin soup.
I learned that  they cut of the shark when the sharks are still alive.
I am still wondring about way its still hapned.