Friday, May 29, 2020

Hippo Report

My class had to do a reading report about hippos. I learned that hippos grow to 4.6 meters and at shoulder height 1.5 meters. I really enjoyed learning about hippos and how they lived. I am still wondering what I can still learn about hippos.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What My Job is at K2B2W Rockets

My class has made a company called T.E.D lab. We have different groups my group is called K2B2W Rockets. I really enjoy working for the T.E.D lab because every day has a new project. This is my profile about my job and what I do.  

Math Grid 2020 Term 2 Results

  This is my term 2 math grid result each week we do a math grid. I am trying to improve my time table I am struggling with my 12 times table. I am really enjoying challenge my self to get better at my 12 times table. I am still wondering if I can bet Mrs hall time and get a chocolate fish.  

Thursday, May 14, 2020


This week I experimented with how clean the air is around my house. I learn about dust and how it travels and settles around the place. I really enjoyed seeing how much dust there is around the house. I am still wondering how much dust the animals carry around like on their backs and in their coat. This is my map of the house and where the most dust is. These are my slides about dust.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Weighty Wind

This week's topic is about the wind and the weather. We had to make lego cars and put sails on them to see which car worked better they had different sized wheels to see if that made a difference in the car I really enjoyed making the cars and see which worked better. I am still wondering if I can adjust them to make them better. This is what I made.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Blind Contour Drawing

This week's weekly art project was to do blind contour drawing. when I was drawing I was thinking about the main lines on each drawing. I think doing the teddy bear one was the easiest because the lines weren't as hard.  the most diercult was drawing a person because of all the detail and being able to see what you are drawing. I could really how this would help with my hand and eye condemnation. I would like to see what else I can drawing using blind contour drawing.
This is my drawing of a person 

This is my drawing of a plant.
This is my drawing of a soft toy.

Textured Patchwork Art

This week's weekly art challenge we had to create textured patchwork art. I am proud of the way it all tern out with the texture and the marker. I found to try to find the right texture was hard because there are so many to chose from. I could improve by trying different texture and using a bigger or smaller piece of paper.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

My Myth

 I had to write a creative story about the 4 wind gods. I learned what their names are and some facts about them. I really enjoyed making the voki about tawhirimatea. I am still wondering what else I could have written.
This is my story
I have made a slide about my planning and the steps I took to make my story

Rocket Map

 This week's task was to create a map with some of the rocket stations these are the ones I found. I learn that there is a station in Russia called Kosmodrom Plesetsk that was really interesting. I really enjoyed using google earth and finding all the different rocket stations around the word. I am still wondering what other rocket stations there are around the world.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hero's Engine

This week I was working on Hero's engine there are three slide shows about my work. I learned about how using cans to display how Hero's engine worked. I really enjoyed pulling the cans out of the bucket and see which one worked the best. I  am still wondering if I could modify it any more and make my can even better.

This is slide 1 it is about my results

This is slide 2 it a bit more about my results.

This is slide 3 it is about my understanding about Hero's engine