Thursday, October 15, 2020

Gisborne Museum

Today we went to the Gisborne Museum to learn about voyages. I learned about how vogues used the stars. I really enjoyed going to the star doom. I wonder if we go back this term to the Museum.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Digital Learning Object

This is my digital learning about my top 4 values in my learning and what I need to work on. I learned to pinpoint my learning and what I can improve on in my learning. I really enjoyed getting a different view of my learning.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Term 4 math grid 2020

On Monday and Wednesday, the class does a math grid. I am working to get faster at my math grid. we do a math grid to help get better at doing timetables. I really enjoy seeing the improvement in my timetables. I am still wondering if I can get better then Mrs Hall.

Term 4 goal and quote reflections

This is my term 4 quote and goals of the week. Each week I reflect on my goals for each week. I am going to try and achieve my goal each week so I can improve my learning. I am still wondering what I can improve on my goals and quote each week.